Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Choco Answers da Mail!

'Ello! Dis is da CHOCO again, and da CHOCO gonna answer da dumb human letters!

Today's letter is from Suger (Dat a funny name for a human kid!). She write to da CHOCO dis:

choco I have this sugar problem and mabye um well you can help me please tell me how to avoid sugar. not that I hate its just that it...um... is a tad (BIG) problem to me and they tell me to find someone to help me signed, Suger

Dear Suger,
U maybe don't know how to spell worse den da CHOCO! Dat odd. Everybody know dat da CHOCO's name is always CAPITALIZED!

Anyway, as far as U question go, da CHOCO has da same problem as U. Da CHOCO no like da sugar AT ALL! It gross! CHOCO never want to menudo it!

But da CHOCO's mama always say, "CHOCO, U no can menudo da human kid 'til U menudo da sweets!"

"Moooooooooooooooooooooooooommmm!!!!!!" da CHOCO reply. "Da CHOCO no want to menudo da sweets! Da CHOCO just wanna menudo da kid. He tasty! Plus, also, in addition to dat, he wearing a Pokemon shirt, which da CHOCO think taste very good!"

"No, CHOCO!" da mama say. "U no can menudo da human until U menudo da sweets! Also, U don't even think about havin' da broccoli for dessert!"

Dat why da CHOCO no gonde de pecula da mama!

Anyway, Suger, CHOCO no can help U with dis problem! It one of the many wonders of the world! If U ever figure out, U can tell da CHOCO, and maybe da CHOCO not menudo U!!!!

Dat all for now! Bye bye!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

Dis is da 'Larious Joke of Da Day! It may be hard for da dumb humans to understand, though, 'cause it in Choco language.


CHOCO just...


CHOCO no can even...


Dat just funny. CHOCO don't care what kind of creature U is! Dat is...


Monday, October 6, 2008

CHOCO Answers da Dumb Human Letters

'Ello! Dis is da CHOCO again!

Da CHOCO is starting a new segment today. It called "CHOCO Answers da Dumb Human Letters"!

What CHOCO gonna do is answer letters dat da dumb humans write to da CHOCO and ask. We gonna start today with dis letter CHOCO got from Leslye Bristol of a town called Callyfornia!
Leslye write,
"Dear CHOCO! I would like to know why you are just a stick figure? And what are those things that hang off of the sides of your head? Are they ears? Or are they horns?"

Dear Leslye, muchas gracias for da letter. Da CHOCO is glad U write. But da CHOCO have to say...U may be da dumbest human EVER! CHOCO hope dat not hurt U feelings!

CHOCO is NOT a stick figure! CHOCO is a choco! But there something wrong with human cameras (prob'ly cause they made by da dumb humans!). Whenever a choco's picture is taken, U no can see him da way he looks. He only look like a stick figure. So what U see in da pictures is not what da CHOCO look like. It just a--what U call it--CHOCOdon't know--maybe a afterimage or something like dat!

As for da question about da things on da side of da CHOCO's head, da CHOCO is very, very, very, very sensitive about dat and no want to even talk about it! U hurt da CHOCO's feelings when U ask dat question. U should have da shame in your head! Only U prob'ly too dumb to have da shame in your head anyway, so da CHOCO no has da anger for U.

Come back next time for more CHOCO Answers da Dumb Human Letters!