Sunday, August 31, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

Hey! Look at DAT! It's a dawg making dawgpoop!


Dat a funny JOKE!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dis Video is da Large Explosive DEVICE!


Meradiff and Natalia showed da Choco dis video. It is da large explosive DEVICE!

Cause it has a CHOCO!

Friday, August 29, 2008

About Da CHOCO!

So a lotta people maybe wonderin', "What 'xactly is Choco?"

To which Choco say, "You not read my intro. Choco is a choco!"

But maybe a lotta people might say back, "Oh yeah. U right, Choco!" (Choco is always right, by da way!) "I forrigge u, Choco. I is just human."

"Dat okay!" da Choco say. "U no can help it!"

Den maybe those people say, "But Choco, we know u is a choco. But what's a choco?"

So dat's what Choco is writing about today!

U know what a choco is. U see dem all da time! Choco's is those things on Halloween, those things that make loud noises and scream a lot and menudo little kids and stuff.

Choco is a special kind of choco. Choco is a woset. Choco lives in a closet, like does all wosets.

Some humans think woset chocos live under da bed, but dat's just silly. Choco would not live under da bed any more dan a Blooferbund would menudo a Jingfro. It just doesn't make any sense at all!

Choco likes to menudo little kids. And squirrels. And broccoli!

Dat's all about da Choco. Choco would tell you more, but Choco 'tsink again. Choco afraid of online predators!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

Why Did Da Chicken Cross Da Road?

'Cause of Da CHOCO! RaaaawrrRRRrrWrr!


Dat 'Larious!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


'Ello! Dis is da Choco, and dis is da Choco's blog!

(Choco doesn't know what a blog is...)

But Choco says it prob'ly is AWESOME!

U is prob'ly wonderin', "What is da Choco?" Dat easy! Choco is a choco! RaawwRRrrRR!

Choco will use dis blog--whatever a blog is--to tell da humans somethin' about da Choco! Keep watchin' for more info-type stuff about da Choco!