Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

Hey, Look at DAT!

It's a honkin' flappy bird!

And Guess WHAT????

Da honking flappy bird make Meradiff and Natalia's mama 'tsinkagin!


Dat so funny dat CHOCO never even HEARD it!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Choco Gonna Sue!

Good Day. Dis is da CHOCO, who today is in da big time law library doin' some research on da law stuff, 'cause da CHOCO is gonna sue!
Dat right, sue!

A lot of humans has been using da CHOCO's name and da CHOCO has not gotten any moolah from dem. Dat no can be right, so da CHOCO gonna sue dem for every penny!

U can see da ev'dence the CHOCO has collected by lookin' at da links below. Before da CHOCO show U, though, da CHOCO want to state da following:

Neither da CHOCO nor da CHOCO's represenatives has had anything to do with these other web pages, and da CHOCO no is affiliated with dem.
Also, da CHOCO now feel like he better put dis on his web page:

All content of dis here blog (whatever a blog is) is copyright 2008 by da CHOCO! So hands off or da CHOCO menudo U!
Link 1: Dis is not da CHOCO's girlfriend or nothin'. Da CHOCO does not even know her!
Link 2: Dis is not at ALL what da CHOCO, look like!
Link 3: CHOCO doesn't even understand dis one.
Link 4: Dose are NOT chocos. Those is humans. CHOCO think they maybe making dat one human girl menudo dawgpoop! That is not approprio! That is bad!
Link 5: This is da one dat bother da CHOCO da most. First, dat not even waht da CHOCO look like (though da color and da winnin' smile is close!). Second, CHOCO not get even so much as one dollar from da sales of dis!

Monday, September 22, 2008

CHOCO is NOT Magic!

CHOCO is triste.

CHOCO is muy triste!

CHOCO is NOT magic!

CHOCO thought dat da CHOCO was a magic choco! CHOCO thought da CHOCO was invisible!

But da CHOCO was just a big dummy choco. Da CHOCO was just tricked by da big chocos. Da CHOCO was a set up CHOCO.

Da big chocos made da CHOCO think da CHOCO was invisible. Den they made da CHOCO think that it would be a 'larious joke of da day if da CHOCO pulled down da choco teacher's pants! So da CHOCO did!

"CHOCO!" da teacher screamed. "CHOCO, da teacher gonna MENUDO da CHOCO! What is U doin'?"

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" da CHOCO said. "Da CHOCO isn't doin' NOTHIN 'cause U can't even see da CHOCO! Cause da CHOCO is invisible!"

But da CHOCO wasn't invisible enough 'cause da teacher hit da CHOCO and sent da CHOCO to da principal's office. And dat is where da CHOCO is right now. So da CHOCO is not magic! And da CHOCO is NOT friends with da big chocos. Da CHOCO is just a loser choco. A loser choco that is in trouble!

Da CHOCO is triste.

Muy triste.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

Hey, look at DAT!

Dat a meow meow kitty makin' meow meow kitty dawgpoop!


And da meow meow kitty is on a TOILET!
Dat a joke!

Dat a funny, FUNNY joke!
Yep, da CHOCO almost lost his balance and den tumbled off da couch over dat one!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Choco is MAGIC!!

U probably is wonderin' why U is lookin' at a empty chair. Dat cause da CHOCO is MAGIC!!

Dat right! Da CHOCO is INVISIBLE!

CHOCO find out about this today in escuela. While CHOCO was in da hallway 'tween choco classes, one of da bigger chocos in the escuela walked right into da CHOCO, knocking da CHOCO down.

"Hey!" da CHOCO say real loud like, 'cause da CHOCO had da anger in his head. "What U doin'?"

"Huh?" da big choco say. "Who said dat?"

"Dis is da CHOCO!!!!" da CHOCO say. "Why you run into da CHOCO?"

"Is dat U, CHOCO?" da big choco say. "U must be invisible, CHOCO!" Den da big choco walked right into da CHOCO again, knocking da CHOCO down again! "Oh, I forrige U, CHOCO. I not see U!" Den da big choco laugh real loud, probably 'cause he 'tsinkagain 'cause da CHOCO is invisible.

Da big choco tell all his friends to come over and see how da CHOCO is invisible. Dey all came over, too, and dey no could see da CHOCO, either. A bunch of da big chocos walked into da CHOCO, too, knockin' da CHOCO down. Dey kept sayin' things like, "Ooops, CHOCO! We no can see U!" or "Hey! What just hit me?" Things like dat.

All da big chocos used to make fun of da CHOCO and say dey was gonna menudo da CHOCO if CHOCO didn't go away and leave dem alone. Not anymore! CHOCO is a very, very good friends with all of da big chocos now!

CHOCO just wish they quit knockin' da CHOCO down!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!


Did U hear da one about da one armed Choco?

He menudoed a human dat was DIS big!

Only he only had one arm, so he could only hold up one arm!


Did U get it?

Dat was da Large Explosive DEVICE!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

Human: When da CHOCO menudos da popcorn, does da CHOCO menudo da popcorn with da CHOCO 's fingers?

CHOCO : Nope! Da CHOCO waits and menudos da fingers later!


Did U get it?

Did U?

Dat was funny like a pancake is flat out!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Things Dat Make Choco Tsinkagin

Get dis straight right NOW, human: Da CHOCO is a brave choco! Da CHOCO will MENUDO da human if da human say anything bad about da CHOCO!

Now that we all know that, da CHOCO want to talk today about da things that make da CHOCO tsinkagin.

Number Uno: La Agua! CHOCO no gonde de pecula da agua! Here why: Once Meradiff and Natalia decided to take a baff in a very large bafftub dat they call da swim'n'pool. Natalia jump in. Den da Meradiff start to jump in. Da CHOCO say, "Hey! Da CHOCO want to play with Meradiff and Natalia!" so da CHOCO got in da big bafftub, too!

Except when da CHOCO get in da bafftub da CHOCO fall down in la agua and da CHOCO not able to get up somehow. Also, somethin' wrong with da CHOCO 'cause da CHOCO no could breathe anymore without it hurting! Da Natalia pick up da CHOCO from da bafftub and carry da CHOCO over to the side. Da CHOCO say "Gracias!" and try again.

Who woulda guessed it? Da CHOCO fall down in la agua once more, and da CHOCO no could breathe once more! Da Natalia and da Meradiff pull da CHOCO over to da side of da pool, and da Natalia say, "Did da CHOCO tsinkagin?"

Da CHOCO was almost crying (Just ALMOST crying! Chocos don't cry!) and da CHOCO said, "Ya! Da CHOCO tsinkagin!" And ever since den da CHOCO no like da agua! It make da CHOCO tsinkagin!

Number Finally: Da CHOCO 's daddy! 'Cause he try to MENUDO da CHOCO !

Number Tres: Da CHOCO 's Mama! 'Cause she make da CHOCO menudo da CHOCO 's sweets before da CHOCO can menudo da CHOCO 's human!

Number Four: Da Meradif and Natalia's Mama. Cause she no like da CHOCO ! She mean. She say things like, "Da Meradiff and Natalia's Mama wish da CHOCO go away forever!"

Those the main things dat make da CHOCO tsinkagin. But mostly la agua and da Meradiff and Natalia's Mama!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Choco's Escuela

So maybe U wonderin' if da CHOCO go to escuela. Da answer is You BETCHA da CHOCO does!

Da CHOCO goes to choco escuela. Da name of da CHOCO's escuela is Halloween Express!

CHOCO no like da escuela...'cause da teacher no like da CHOCO.

Teacher ask, "Clase, what U do when a small human is lost and wanderin' in da street?"

Da CHOCO raise da CHOCO's hand 'cause da CHOCO know dat one. Da teacher, though, yell at da CHOCO.

"CHOCO!" she shout. "What did I tell U?"

CHOCO gets muy triste. CHOCO put head down as he say, "CHOCO no supposed to raise hand."

"Dat right!" da teacher say. "What IS CHOCO supposed to do?"

CHOCO say real slow, "CHOCO supposed to shout out answer like all da other chocos."

"Dat right!" da teacher say. "CHOCO has to learn to shout like all da other chocos." Den the teacher look at CHOCO and say, "OK, as long as da CHOCO has interrupted da clase by raising CHOCO's hand, what is da answer. What is da CHOCO supposed to do when a small human is lost and wanderin' the street?"

"CHOCO supposed to MENUDO da kid!" da CHOCO shout as loud as da CHOCO can.

"At least U got dat right," da teacher said.

CHOCO hate when da teacher say that!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

When da CHOCO go with Meradiff and Natalia to Meradiff and Natalia's favorite menudo place, called da Golden Corral, guess what da CHOCO menudo on da buffet line?

Give up?

CHOCO menudos...

...da SERVERS!


Dat one make da Choco get cracks all over!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Choco Has Da Anger in His Head!

Dis website below make da Choco VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY Angry!

Choco doesn't even know where a human would find 500 great, limp chocos!

Choco gonna find da dumb human dat wrote this and MENUDO da HUMAN!

Click here to see da dumb link!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

Hey, Look at DAT!

Dat a Flappy bird making Flappy bird dawgpoop!

Dat is a Large 'xplosive DEVICE!


Yeah, dat one is real hum DING errrrr!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Choco Teaches da Dumb Humans

'Ello! Choco has been asked to talk about some of da Choco's words dat da Choco uses. Choco not sure why. Maybe 'cause da humans dat read this blog (whatever a blog is) is dumb. Dat not unusual.

Anyway, here is a 'scription of some words that maybe too smart for most humans to understand.

Menudo: Dat one easy! It mean to put somethin' into a mouth and crunch and crunch until that somethin' is all bye bye.

Example: Choco menudo da little kid!

Finally: Dat one easy, too! It is da thing that come after uno and before tres. Or between one and three in human words. U supposed to yell whenever u see this.

Example: When playing da game of Sorry, Natalia no can draw a finally card. She begin to have da frustration in her head. Then she get a finally card at last. "Finally!" she scream. Da Choco scream, "FINALLY," too!

Forrige: Dat a hard one for da Choco, too, 'cause there no word like that in da Choco language. But here is how da Choco understand it. If somechoco in da human world do somethin' that maybe hurt some human and da human find out about it, dat choco is supposed to make their face look muy triste, and den dat choco say, "Oh I didn't know. I forrige you!" Den da human say, "OK. I forrige you, too." After that it okay for da choco to do da same thing again to hurt da human!

There other words that maybe da humans need to learn, too, but da Choco not want to overload da poor human brains, so dat all for today. Come back later for more "Choco Teaches da Dumb Humans."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Da 'Larious Joke of Da Day!

CHOCO: Kono Kono! (Dat Choco for "Knock Knock!")

human: O Chi Wah? (Dat Choco for "Who dere?")

CHOCO: Da Interrupting CHOCO !

human: Da Interruptin--"

CHOCO: RaaaarrrWWWrrwwrrr!


Dat one is 'larious!

Monday, September 1, 2008

More About Da Choco

Maybe some humans be wonderin' more about da CHOCO. Maybe they want to know where 'xactly the CHOCO live. Maybe they want to know what make the CHOCO tick. Maybe they want to know if CHOCO ever have a life changing metaphysical 'xperience or somethin' like that.

Here's what the CHOCO say to those humans: Get a life.

But since those people want to know more about da CHOCO, den the CHOCO will write 'bout dat in this post.

Almost all chocos live in Chocoland (dat obvious!), but wosets (which is what da CHOCO is) is different. Wosets live in human-land with da humans. Well, wosets sort of live in human-land. Part of woset homes is in human closets, and da other part is...well...is...let's just say dat it is somewhere else. Maybe 'tween Chocoland and human-land.

Wosets menudo da humans!

Wosets can travel anywhere in Chocoland or human-land by goin' through human closets. Kind of like in CHOCO's fav'rite movie, Chocos Incorporated, only not 'xactly. Dat movie is preposterous! Everybody know that the Unbominable Snowman lives at the North Pole, not Siberia!

Anyway, CHOCO lived with his choco mama until he was finally years old. No, CHOCO's mama and dada not get a divorce or separation or nothin' like dat. Dat human silliness. CHOCO's dada not live with CHOCO's mama 'cause da dada try to menudo da CHOCO. But dat okay. All choco dada's do dat.

Anyway, CHOCO and CHOCO's mama lived in a human closet in a town called Bolivia. Den when CHOCO turned finally years old it was time for da CHOCO and da CHOCO's mama to leave. Da CHOCO's mama say that the humans was doin' some 'struction, whatever dat is, and dat da CHOCO's closet was gonna be knocked down.

Humans is mean sometimes!

So CHOCO left. Now CHOCO live in a town called In Tucky. CHOCO live in a closet in da playroom of finally human kids called Meradiff and Natalia. Dey okay as far as humans go. In da house there also is a human called Merediff and Natalia's Daddy. CHOCO never seen him before! There also is a human with a name called Meradiff and Natalia's Mama. She no like da CHOCO! She make da CHOCO leave da closet and live on roof of Building One! Dat crazy! But now CHOCO live back in da closet!

Dat all for now! CHOCO have a hard time typing this much. CHOCO only have 8 fingers.